- How the Knee came to be known as Gold knee? - Dr. Harprit Singh
The implant is not made up of gold. It has a covering which is gold in colour. The coating is by special alloy which looks like gold.
It is supposed to work 30% more longer than a conventional implants, because the friction with the polyethylene is very less & the wear of polyethylene is less. So, a gold knee done perfectly should last for 30-35 years.
- Why so popular in Orthonova ?
Because we use the max no of Gold implants in India. Dr. Harprit did this surgery for his mother's knees - ( That was the first Knee Replacement in India).
Advanced Knee Replacement
GOLD KNEE / A.S Knee (An Allergy Solution)

The best & the most expensive knee implant available in the market. It is anti allergic & anti infective. Has very low wear rate (60% less than normally used Co-Cr alloy) The innovative knee to prevent allergic reaction and to have substantially improved wear. These A.S knee implants offer a ground breaking solution for patients with sensitivity (eg) reaction on nickel, chrome or cobalt. Indeed metal sensitivity contributes implant loosening and A.S Knee prevents all this.
Benefits of AS Knee :
- Bio compatible
- Works for 30-35 years
- 60% low wear rate
- Anti-allergic knee
The first and till now the only centre in North India, upto Delhi performing this technique. 'Gold Knee'- The most successful, the most expensive & the best knee available in the market.

Dr. Harprit has implanted this best knee to his mother.

She walked on the first day without support. Was at BARISTA on the 5th day.