Zero % infection in Primary Cases from 6 years
No physio after surgery
Excellence in Knee Replacement at Orthonova Jalandhar
- Most Popular Orthopaedic Knee Replacement Centre in North India. (1550 - 3000 TKR a year. usually 6-10 TKRs per day)
- Advanced Robotic Knee Replacement
- Gold Knee Replacement
- Custom Fit Knee Replacement
- Bilateral Knee Replacement
- Introduction of Painless Knee Replacement - (First time in India)
- Rotating platform Knee (Currently used) - First time in North India.
- Concept of Blood less Knee Replacement (First time in India)
- Concept of quick Knee Replacement & faster recovery with no physiotherapy (First time in India).
- Intro of Crossed Legged posture after TKR (First time in World).
- Computer Assisted Knee Surgery Specialist.
- Unicondylar Knee Replacement Surgery (Max No in India)
- PatelloFemoral Joint Replacement - (Only surgeon in India).

- I-Knee Replacement
- Ortho Align Replacement
- Concept of Day Care in Knee Replacement (Discharge in 1 day) - 1st time in Asia.
- Concept of Minimally Invasive (MIS) Knee Replacement (6.8 cm incision) - First time in India.
- SK Black Knee Replacement (Oxinium)

Knee Replacement at Orthonova Hospital

Customised knee replacement

Minimally invasive knee replacement (MIS)

Oxford Knee Repalcement

Computer assisted knee surgery specialist / advanced technique

Ortho Align replacement

I-Knee replacement

Gold knee replacement

Revision knee replacement
Highlights of a Typical TKR at Orthonova Hospital

Sitting Cross Legged
- Zero Infection (6 Years)
- Stairs Climbing
- Crossed Leg
- Squating
- No Physiotherapy
- Painless Surgery
Lower Surgical time (7-8 minutes) having advantages:-
- Less Bleeding.
- Less wound exposure.
- Less infection.
- Less fibrosis.
- Quicker recovery.
- No Physiotherapy/ No Pain.
- 0% Infection Rate.
- 99.9% Success Rate.
- Zero Infection (6 Years)
- Day Care
- Tree Climbing
- Rope Dancing
- Car Driving
- Light Games
- Gym
- Quicker (7mins) Knee Replacement with no physiotherapy makes life much easier and pain free at Orthonova Hospital.

1st time in North India
Concept of next generation of ROBOTIC SURGERY FOR KNEE REPLACEMENT by the name of ROSA (USA) (FDA APPROVED) - 1st time in North India

- Only 3 centres are offering this, highly advanced Knee Replacement all over India.
- Minimal Incision
- Less Pain
- Greater life of joint
- Greater Flexibility

ROSA trying to kiss Dr. Harprit
- How the Knee came to be known as Gold knee? - Dr. Harprit Singh
The implant is not made up of gold. It has a covering which is gold in colour. The coating is by special alloy which looks like gold.
It is supposed to work 30% more longer than a conventional implants, because the friction with the polyethylene is very less & the wear of polyethylene is less. So, a gold knee done perfectly should last for 30-35 years.
- Why so popular in Orthonova ?
Because we use the max no of Gold implants in India. Dr. Harprit did this surgery for his mother's knees - ( That was the first Knee Replacement in India).
Advanced Knee Replacement
GOLD KNEE / A.S Knee (An Allergy Solution)

The best & the most expensive knee implant available in the market. It is anti allergic & anti infective. Has very low wear rate (60% less than normally used Co-Cr alloy) The innovative knee to prevent allergic reaction and to have substantially improved wear. These A.S knee implants offer a ground breaking solution for patients with sensitivity (eg) reaction on nickel, chrome or cobalt. Indeed metal sensitivity contributes implant loosening and A.S Knee prevents all this.
Benefits of AS Knee :
- Bio compatible
- Works for 30-35 years
- 60% low wear rate
- Anti-allergic knee
The first and till now the only centre in North India, upto Delhi performing this technique. 'Gold Knee'- The most successful, the most expensive & the best knee available in the market.

Dr. Harprit has implanted this best knee to his mother.

She walked on the first day without support. Was at BARISTA on the 5th day.
Custom Fit Knee
Custom Fit Knee : Knee that suits your body structure.

Meri Jaan
Signature Tech Visionaire Technique:
As no two knees are similar, the patient's knee is first assessed with an MRI and images are sent to the US (Memphis) where a 3d model prepared matches exactly to the actual knee of the patient. Then the cutting jigs/blocks are prepared so that the best cuts can be made on the model. These jigs are then marked for that patient and sent to the surgeon.
The jigs bear the name of the patient. It cannot be used on any other patient, and can't be reused.
The surgeon conducts the operation to perfection with lesser time, smaller incision lesser soft tissue dissection and perfect alignment. Faster recovery is ensured. The need of navigation is now disappearing after the introduction of this technique.
Dr. Harprit says, “I personally feel that such a surgery has revolutionised orthopaedics”. All our patients are satisfied and happily leading their lives.
Benefits of Custom Knee Replacement:
- EFFICIENT: surgery is more efficient as measuring and matching is model prior to surgery.
- SMALLER INCISION: surgery is less invasive as the surgeon can work in a smaller area.
- PATIENT SPECIFIC IMPLANTS AND BLOCKS: best knee functions for each patient thus reducing the recovery time.
- Better alignment as it enables greater accuracy.
- Less bleeding.
- Usually no physiotherapy.
- Usually no blood transfusion.
- Less chances of infection.
Bilateral Knee Replacement :
Rotating Platform Knee (Currently Used) : First time in North India
Concept of Blood less Knee Replacement (First time in India)
Concept of Quick Knee Replacement & faster recovery with no physiotherapy
Era of quick knee replacement at Orthonova Hospital
(Article in Hindustan Times)

The sequence can change as per circumstances. Usually it is as it is written.
- Day 1
- Patient gets admitted.
- All relevant tests followed by preparation for surgery either same day or second day.
- Day 2
- Surgery conduct in 8-10 mins.(Usually)
- Day 3
- Walking in 10-12 hours.
- Day 4
- Patient Discharged.
- No Pain- Painless Technique. (Relative Term)
- No Physiotherapy after surgery - (Only Centre to offer this).
- Day 12
- Stitches removed, Treatment over. Bye Bye.
- Patient free to do whatever he wants.
- 99.9% Success rate.
- 0% Infection Rate. (Last 6 years)
- Sit Cross Legged (usually).
- Climb Stairs
- Play Games
- Drive Car
- Drive Truck
Intro of Crossed Legged posture after TKR (First Time in World)
Some of the pics & videos are over 20 years old & the patients are doing absolutely fine.
Computer Assisted Knee Surgery Specialist / Advanced Technique

Computer assisted technique or Navigation surgery for knee replacement has been the backbone of our hospital since we introduced this technique for the first time in North India in the year 2005-2006. Over 8000 such surgeries have been performed with this highly advanced computer system the hospital required the 2nd state of art Navigation in year 2014.
Procedure & Advantages
In this highly advanced procedure, all the steps, cuts, alignment and placement are monitored by a computer with advanced software, there by ensuring perfect placement of the knee implant.
Making a good surgeon even better
The surgery is not done by the computer but it guides and corrects the surgeon, what is not visible to the human eye, Hence decreasing the error.
Benefits :
- Perfect placements of knee implants
- Perfect alignment
- Longer life of implants
- Full bending
- Lesser bleeding
- Better function
Orthonova has the same navigation system as in Germany (Bad Nauheim, Oldenburg, Freiberg) & Texas Medical Centre, Houston, USA.

Operating in USA.

Operating in Hochwald Krankenhaus,Bad Nauheim, Germany.

PIUS Hospital, Oldenbrg
I-Knee Replacement

This advanced form of knee replacement surgery ensures better alignment, perfect placement, faster mobilisation and longer lasting implant solution besides greater accuracy. It is the most advanced technique in the world for knee replacement and through I-Knee Replacement the surgeon gets to know whether his cuts on bone are perfect or not as the sensors directs the surgeon so as to get proper alignment. Any company implants can be chosen for this technique.

The knee replacement procedure is monitored very closely by a software installed in the I-Pad/net so it guarantees perfection in surgery. The patient does not have any pain or problem and walks the next day.
The first of this type of surgery in whole of North India was performed on a patient named Harbhajan Kaur in Orthonova Hospital.
The surgeon successfully operated upon 68-year old women from a village near Hoshiarpur
Oxford Unicondylar Knee Replacement
Orthonova Hospital (Joint Replacement Centre) : Only centre for Oxford Knee Replacement in India (426 Cases)

Partial Knee Replacement
If you are thinking about knee replacement, it is imperative you read this information.
It has been seen during surgeries that approximately 30% of the total knee replacements
that are operated world wide, have only 1/3 of the knee damaged. But since there knee
option available to most of the surgeons, therefore total knee replacement is the only
answer. It is now considered to be unethical and unwise to operate and remove the
cartilage and bone which is not damaged and would otherwise work good for 15-20
years more.
That's why the concept of partial knee replacement gained popularity. In UK and USA, this surgery is going on well for more than 20 years, with results more than 98% success [better than a total knee replacement]. Only, a very few surgeons are trained for this procedure all over the world, as this is a very delicate and advanced surgery History takes it that this surgery has been introduced, in India by the keen academic endeavours of Dr. Harprit Singh, at ORTHONOVA HOSPITAL, JALANDHAR.
Presently, this is the only centre in INDIA offering this most advanced surgical option for the knee.
Unicondylar Knee Replacement

Also known as a partial knee replacement, a unicondylar knee replacement is an alternative to total knee replacement for patients suffering from osteoarthritis with damage confined to only one compartment of the knee joint. It wasn’t long ago that knee replacement surgery was reserved for the elderly. Now, implants and surgical techniques have improved dramatically, allowing more patients with osteoarthritis to become eligible for unicondylar knee replacement than ever before.
Partial knee replacement is most commonly used as a treatment for osteoarthritis, which is estimated to affect around 30% of the US population. This condition is caused by the wearing away of cartilage within the knee joint, which results in bones scraping against each other.
During a unicondylar knee replacement, only the damaged part of the knee cartilage is replaced with a prosthesis, as compared to a total knee replacement that addresses the entire knee joint.
Advantages of Unicondylar Knee Replacement:
Some of the advantages of a Partial Knee Replacement include:
- Better-preserved range of motion as compared to total knee replacement
- Preserves healthy tissue and bone in the knee, promoting better knee function
- Reduced blood-loss during surgery
- Faster recovery because of the less-invasive nature of the surgery
Partial Knee Replacement
Unicondylar Knee Replacement

Dr. Singh's Views
When Surgery is the last resort. Any patient with knee pain, and with drugs and physio not working, can be a candidate for this highly advanced operation. It is the surgeons choice and decision, depending upon the extent of cartilage damage, whether this procedure can be done or whole of the joint is to be changed. Sometimes the decision may be reversed during the surgery itself.
How to decide who is eligible for this procedure?
Decision of the surgeon to perform total and half knee surgery depends on the condition of the joint damage, experience & training of the surgeon and the implants available to the surgeon.

For a normal joint replacement surgeon - Total Knee Replacement is the only option!
For a Specialist joint replacement surgeon - Unicondylar Knee Replacement is the first choice.

Perfectly done Oxford knee. As it looks like during surgery
Partial Knee Replacement
Treatment option available only in very few centres in the world and only one centre in India.

SCENARIO: If a patient walks into a routine joint replacement centre, with all conservative treatment options (like drugs, physio, exercises, massage etc) exhausted and has excruciating pain in the knee - he /she would most likely undergo a Total knee Replacement.

SCENARIO : But if he/she consults a joint replacement surgeon who is specialist in both -Total knee replacement & unicondylar knee surgery and if he is a certified surgeon from OXFORD, UK - he may only resurface the part that is damaged and leave the undamaged original cartilage untouched.
THE CONCEPT : If only one tyre of your car is damaged, would you change all the tyres? Unicondylar works on the same principle : only the damaged portion is changed.

Patellofemoral Joint Replacement (PFJ)

Patellofemoral Joint Replacement : The most advanced type of partial knee replacement.
Patellofemoral joint replacement is a type of partial knee replacement that allows you to correct the damaged knee joint while preserving the healthy parts of your knee.
Patellofemoral replacement, often called knee cap replacement or patellofemoral arthroplasty, is a type of partial knee replacement. In this procedure the arthritic surface of patella (knee cap) is replaced with highly cross linked polyethylene and the corresponding articular surface on distal femur is replaced with metal cap. The healthy cartilage and bone, as well as all of the ligaments in the rest of the knee, are preserved.
This is ideal procedure for patients with isolated patellofemoral joint arthritis, considering the rest of knee joint is normal. Most of these patients are young and often suggested to wait for total knee replacement till they are in their fifties or sixties despite the pain and disabilities of bone on bone arthritis.
Dr. Harprit is also the first and the only surgeon in all of India to successfully carry out a Patellofemoral joint replacement surgery for isolated Patellofemoral joint arthritis. Such a patient would otherwise have been given long and unmeasured doses of analgesics for years altogether, until old enough or worse enough to merit a Total Knee Replacement... and which still might have been too early for him!

In hand of a normal orthopaedic surgeon this type of knee would end up having a total replacement of the joint i.e TKR thereby sacrificing the entirely normal cartilage unnecessarily, but in highly specialised centres in the world PFJ would be the answer.
Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS) Knee Replacement
As the name indicates, there is very less invasion of the normal tissue. The surgery is done through a small incision & there is no muscle cutting, thereby less bleeding & quicker recovery. The damaged portion of the knee or hip is accessed via special instruments.
This is a specialised & time consuming process. It works only with Navigation.

- Highly Advanced Options for Knee Surgery
- Minimal Invasive Surgery(MIS)
- Knee Replacement through 6.5cm incision
Advantages :-
- No Muscle Cutting
- Less Bleeding
- Quick Recovery
- It a difficult procedure, and requires special instruments (which are available at Orthonova Hospital)
Disadvantages :-
- Special instrumentation required (Expensive)
- Takes double time
- Malpositioning of the implant as the surgery is done through very small incision. So Navigation is required to be perfect.
Painless Technique
Another highly advanced technique for North India, the painless technique used by Dr. Harprit Singh has proved to be a blessing for his patients. There is no need of painkiller tablets and injection after surgery and the patient is discharged within 2-3 days.
Dr. Singh, Known for achieving so many milestones & introducing latest techniques in joint replacements has become popular worldwide. Normally Indians prefer to go abroad for knee replacements but now a days NRI/foreigners prefer to come to his centre for knee surgeries.
Some of the patients from UK and Delhi have appreciated and preferred him over the rest.
This includes - Nerve blocks (Sciatic, femoral & obturator) & sometimes the Epidural.
What ever we do - U will not have pain.
Oxinium Knee

Oxinium, for longer lasting knees
Oxinium implants are said to be long-lasting and cause a considerable reduction in the need for revision knee replacement surgery.
Oxinium Overview
Developed by Smith & Nephew, which boasts of a rich history of innovation, Oxinium material is a revolutionary technology used in the production of components of knee and hip implants that exhibit superior performance characteristics due to its hardness, low-friction and resistance to roughening and abrasion. In combination with VERILAST technology polythylene, the implant has been proven to last 30 years and has been approved by the US FDA.
What makes Oxinium special ?
Its the fact that it is ideal for younger patients, it is scratch resistant and therefore wears less and lasts longer. It is truly a high performance material. The only material in the orthopaedic world to receive this award. Oxinium was awarded the prestigious 2005 ASM Intrnational Engineering Materials Achievement Award for Oxinium technology.
Advantages of Oxinium Knee:
- Oxinium is the best choice in knee replacement materials for such patients who exhibit metal allergies.
- Oxinium contains no detectable nickel, the leading cause of negative reactions in patients with metal allergies.
- Another major reason why Oxinium is so highly recommended is the fact that it is a scratch resistant material.
- Due to Oxinium’s superior hardness, smoothness and resistance to abrasion, surgeons can, now, recommend joint replacement to patients who are less than 65 years old. This wasn’t possible with traditional materials such as Cobalt Chrome, as the life of the implant was limited and the patient had to undergo revision replacement surgery in a span of 10-15 years.
Open Spine Fixation
ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament)
Elbow Replacement
Avascular Necrosis
TB Spine
Mr. Harbhajan Singh, TB SPINE patient was treated non-surgically ( with medicines )…
TB SPINE is also treated Surgically, if the medication does not work…
Spine surgery... No stitch.
(these days every surgeon has put a title of endoscopic spine surgeon, while most don't even have an endoscope. Rest are doing easy half procedure from the flank)
Young guy having excruciating pain.. Finished the op at 8.30 pm.
Pt walking now pain-free.
Kienbock’s Disease
Pyogenic Arthritis
Radial Nerve & Tendon Transfer
Excision of Osteosarcoma
Slipped Epiphysis
Advanced foot surgery for the first time in India
Dedicated flat foot surgeon in North India.
FLAT FOOT :This is a condition in which the foot can become painful and more flat (pes planus). It can be congenital(person is born with it) or acquired(person develops it over time), rigid or flexible, painful or non painful. As the foundation of your body, flat feet can indirectly and slowly cause damage to the knees, hips, lower back and spine. If one experiences pain in the foot, ankle or lower leg, the feet need to be evaluated at the earliest.